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Closet Geeks and Slow Mo

Sweet Girl by Cristin Harber

Sweet Girl (Titan) - Cristin Harber

So honestly, this kinda surprised me over and over.
I liked the summary and thought- oh why not and pressed the request button on Netgalley on a total whim. Only to discover later that it is set somewhere in the middle of a series. To be frank I was a bit gutted when I saw that. But I kinda decided what the heck, I will just read it out of order. 
My next surprise was the pleasant realisation that this SHOULD be read before Garrison's Creed. I think, I would have liked it a considerable amount less than if I would have read the series as it was released. 
The writing was another very pleasant surprise Harber, got me hooked. I love her prose. It's easy yet has surprising depths, fun yet she captures some beautiful moments. 

The story line is your kinda typical falling for your brothers bestie... but who doesn't like those? And yes it has been done a gazillion times over, so I was again pleasantly surprise when Harber added some great little bits and pieces to the story. Though I haven't even read the summary of Garrisons's Creed, I know quite early one where it is going. So no surprise twits, but I totally didn't mind. Cause frankly this is way more character driven. Aaaaaand we all know I love that. 

But my biggest surprise of all, how invested I got in this short time. I mean I adore Cash, he did make it on my book boyfriend list within a few pages. Let's face it, he is H.A.W.T. but as the story went on, I got him. And even more, I felt with him, understood his motives and well at the end was devastated for him. 
Nic is a great female MC, kinda shy but savvy, a bit geeky and driven. Again, I actually feel like I gotten to know her quite a bit. In a rather short while Harber managed to carved out two solid and likeable MCs. The support cast, was also quite well done, though I didn't care for the two slags, they were a bit to over the top for my taste. Still Hannah, Brandy and Roman made a fab group of friends. 

My biggest issue? It was too short. It felt kinda rushed at the end. And damn I want more of Cash and Nic... which leaves me with the dilemma of which book to read first.. Garrison's Creed or Winters Heat... *grumbles* 

Basically I am still surprise at how much I liked this. I expected cute and fluff- got that but I also got sucked in, was totally moved, devastated and left kinda obsessively wanting more.
So all around pleasant surprises- And I shall work my way thought the series. 
Starting with..... *sigh*

Hells and Bells!

I am throwing caution (or rather reading order) to the wind:

*runs to amazon to buy*
Garrison's Creed