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Closet Geeks and Slow Mo

Red at Night by Katie McGarry ---An Absolute MUST!

Red at Night - Katie McGarry

If you've never read anything by Katie McGarry - this is certainly the book to start with. It's short but captivating, moving and well just the best cute and fluffy fix EVER!

Obviously I love McGarry's writing style and Red at Night did not disappoint at all. In fact it just proven and reestablished everything I love about McGarry's prose.

The story line is essentially rich hot dude falling for the outcast poor gal- kind of a Cinderella story. BUT the realistic version. So well done that even a jaded heart like mine was jumping with joy at the a little dramatic happy moment!

The character building is superb. Slowly we get to know the two MCs their situations and we see them change and embrace the change and their future. It's seriously shockingly well done, not even taking the length of this into consideration.

My biggest complaint? I wish this would have been longer! I wanted more of Josh more or Stella.. I wanna know where their journey takes them- but then again isn't that exactly how novellas are supposed to be? Giving you a quick fix and a lot to think on? Yep, so after many many disappointing novellas finally an author who nailed it! See another reason why you need to read it.

Oh do you need another one? It's for FREE on amazon
An absolute must read for lovers of the genre!

So, what you waiting for? go and read it!


I will try and not sulk to much for having to wait until May 27 for my next McGarry fix, after all I got my awesome freebee fix and there is a sneak peek at the end as well. BUT can I just say - and I will only do so once, I promise- I can't wait for West's novel!
Ok, I am done. you do read. I'll sulk somewhere and stalk Netgalley (a girl can hope after all!)