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Closet Geeks and Slow Mo


Consumed  - Emily Snow



Sooo this was.. well.. I honestly don't know. 

I guess the best thing I can say about this is, it gave me closure on Lucas and Sienna's story. 

But it left me wondering plenty - and about the story or it's character. No about the author, the publishing world and mostly why?



Then it also made me question about my rather awkward relation ship I have with the romance genre. It rather a love-hate thing me and romance novels have going on reading consumed gave me closure on that as well. Definitely an achievement- something all those romance novels I read before hadn't managed to do. I realised while I was reading this, that I am just particular, not just when it comes to romance novel, I am the same with other novels. But when it comes to romance novels I judge the book mostly by character building. So if I love the character building- I most likely will like the book. The fact that I like the writing style is a given, since that's the most important part of a book for me.  When it comes to plot, i loath insta-love, don't like the one and only theme and am allergic to the tedious love triangle.... but if the plot is alright, the character building is great - I will like the book.

Now you must wonder why I blabber on about this? Well because those are the reasons why I liked Devoured... 

Let's face it; Snow knows how to write. I love the way she writes. And while some of the smut scene, were uhm not my scenes, they are undeniable hot!  

BUT after finishing Consumed, I can't say that I didn't like it. I wasn't in awe either. It just was. I don't know! And thats the crux. 

The character building is not shabby- but there was no growth for either Lucas or Sienna.

I should add that this is written from Lucas's and Sienna's POV. And their voices are extremely distinctive. As I said, there is no doubt that Snow is a good writer. I love Lucas's POV! Seriously love them!


The plot was ok- well to be honest I kinda was bored in the middle and needed a break. 

There was this super drama at about 90% - we finally heard the BIG secret. And then, it was all solved and over...  Basically not much happened

I am one of these people who waited for the release of this book. Checked every week if it actually is finally out. Bought it on release day. And well, I feel a bit let down. 

I don't feel that there was much gained by the sequel. I don't know why there was a sequel. I mean its not even 200pages. So like a few times in the last few months I am wondering why Devoured wasn't a stand-alone?! Why write a sequel at all? Why not finish Devoured, with a bit more closure than it was done? I am not even going to mention the continuous postponement of release date. But honestly this could have been avoided by not doing a sequel that doesn't do much for me...


Saying this- I think loads of people will love it. It does have some mooshy lovey bits, good smut and an ending that most adore. 

I personally feel Snow could have done better. And I expected  way more. Which left me wafering between ok and good - literally. So I guess this should be 2,5Stars. But you see... I just don't know! 2,5Stars seem kinda harsh. It is well written after all. BUT 3Stars... well I as I said I just don't know.


Will I read more of Snow? You bet!