I am not sure if I'll round up or down
Will let it sink in for a bit
While I liked some aspects- the early romance bits
I loathed others - cheating, is never going to go down well for me
The first third I was quite bored - I nearly DNFed, the only reason I kept going was because I quite liked the writing style
Then I liked the story well enough and I hoped it would get better. And though the mystery kept me more entertained I didn't like the characters towards the end ...
It's well written, there are some beautiful moments - I think many smut readers will enjoy the smut (for me it was eh mostly ok) - but I didn't like most of the plot and I am not impressed with the character building of any male in the book
I did like the sports aspect - but in the beginning I think it slowed the book down
I do like that things didn't work smoothly in the beginning, but I didn't like how Ty behaved and her reasons? Totally unbelievable! A sports team over the love of your life? Hmmm.. Let's just say interesting and leave it at that.
I think there are some unique ideas here but had quite a few cliches thrown in ( like chase 180 character change upon meeting ty for example) - in fact about 3 too many for my taste. Sadly
The mystery kept me guessing and I love the format Torres chose for it.
Just not quite my cup of tea?
It's somewhere between ok and good - I wish I would mind all those things less, like the book more because Moonshot is beautifully written and well told.