After weeks of starting a gazilllion books during the week. Then finishing them (most of the time) over the weekend. I decided enough is enough. I am admitting that I basically have no time to read during work time- and I can't get into a book because of it- so I shall not even attempt to do much reading.
You might think duh? that's obvs. Why even try?
I guess it is. But I only grudgingly admitted this, after Nav, my co-geek, pointed it out to me.
So I am gonna pretend I am all wised and totally grown-up about this. Even if I feel like stomping my feet like a 3 year old.
Yep. I am really gonna be totally cool with accepting that my ridiculous work schedule means I got no time for reading. Totals adult of me isn't it?
*beams proudly*
Buuut I did find a loophole in my new reading law... I will listen to an audio during week.
The good news I am off on Thursday *grin* and I got lots of studio work!
So I shall finish the book I started and read an ARC
And decided to listen to Rock Chick, cause it's KA. And KA is best done in audio format if you ask me. And I know what to expect. Cause you know it's KA.
What are your booky plans for the week?