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Closet Geeks and Slow Mo

SIGH-worthy ending to the series

Three Christmases - Kat Bastion, Stone Bastion

This is it, the last of the series. I am all done.

And looking back it was awesome. More importantly the last instalment, though not my favorite was really good. 

I found it was the best written actually.


This is written in Cade and Hannah's POV. Which is a really nice change. And make loads of sense as the storyline progresses.

The storyline has some rather out there things happen, well it's a novel after all. Then again, I kept on thinking, that so unrealistic. Though we are talking schematics like pay checks to be honest. But Cade and Hannah are facing difficulties that I personally have had to face in my own marriage. So could I relate?! HELL YEAH. 

Though some of the things were more rom-com cliche others in this book were so real so tangible that I kinda didn't care much about the rom-com or unrealistic pay-checks too much. A bit of eye rolling is a good exercise for my peepers, I got lots of books too read after all. 


This was also the best paced in my opinion. Still a wee bit too detailed at times, but I enjoyed the flow of the story line the most. In fact I think each book was written a tiny bit better. Which in it self, is fabulous. 


My favorite part about this however is the character building, again. But this time, while I adore Cade, we established that in the last book, the thing that struck me most was the relation ship between Hannah and Cade. Their little jokes, private conversations, shared innuendos... and this is why in my opinion the wait over four books to get the the very satisfying ending. 


A great ending to a wonderful series. 

I can only recommend the series to lovers of the genre, especially if you looking for something a wee bit different.